We would like to thank Omaha Lodge 101 Saint Peter and Paul, Jim Kresnik, Debbie Stellar, Georgette Puscin, Sandy Berklan, Kenneth Bossick , Warren Davidson, Paula Poskon and Donna Vranesevich for donating tamburitza instruments to our group. Also we would like to thank Renata Pesic for her generous cash donation. Also all the members of the Croatian-American Social Club in Deerfield Beach Florida for funding us .
We are looking for instruments and donations to help start this Junior Tamburitza Orchestra and Kolo Group. We are trying to preserve our cultural and as you know starting a group like this from scratch is difficult. We need the basics: Strings, Music Books, Music Stands and Instruments.
If you would like to give a cash donation to help these kids start playing and dancing we have a Go-Fundme button on the top of this page. Anything you can do will be appreciated.